Sandboxed Firefox profiles

Thesettingswhichformaprofilearestoredinfileswithinaspecialfolderonyourcomputer—thisistheprofilefolder.Theinstallation ...,Allyouneedtodoisreplacethecontentsofthenewprofilefolderwiththecontentsoftheoldfolder.Therandomnamesofthefolders ...,Firefoxs...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Profile folder

The settings which form a profile are stored in files within a special folder on your computer — this is the profile folder. The installation ...

How to use another existing Firefox profile (the easy way)

All you need to do is replace the contents of the new profile folder with the contents of the old folder. The random names of the folders ...

Profile Manager

Firefox stores your personal information and settings in a profile folder. Learn to work with different profiles on Firefox. Dedicated profiles per Firefox... · Refresh Firefox - reset add-ons...

使用設定檔管理員建立或移除Firefox 設定檔

利用設定檔管理員,您可以建立、 刪除、重新命名和切換使用者設定檔。 如果您在替另一個安裝的Firefox 建立使用者設定檔的話,請參見Using a dedicated ... 建立設定檔 · 刪除設定檔 · 重新命名設定檔


按下Windows 開始按鈕,將出現開始選單。 · 在開始功能表底端的搜尋方塊中輸入 %APPDATA%-Mozilla-Firefox-Profiles- · 點選您想要開啟的設定檔資料夾。若您 ...

Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data

Firefox stores your personal data and settings in a profile folder. Learn what information it contains and how to find your profile.

Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles

This article explains how to back up your profile, restore it, or move your profile to a new location or computer.

How to create multiple FireFox profiles and manage them ...

A profile in FireFox is a container for what you do on the browser - it holds things like extensions, settings, themes, history, etc.

How do I create different profiles for Firefox?

Type about:profiles into the address bar and press the Enter key. This will open the About Profiles page, where you can view, create and manage ...

How to Create Multiple Profiles in Firefox

If we have an online job, which requires multi-tasking using the browser, we can duplicate several browser profiles. To clone in the Firefox ...


Thesettingswhichformaprofilearestoredinfileswithinaspecialfolderonyourcomputer—thisistheprofilefolder.Theinstallation ...,Allyouneedtodoisreplacethecontentsofthenewprofilefolderwiththecontentsoftheoldfolder.Therandomnamesofthefolders ...,Firefoxstoresyourpersonalinformationandsettingsinaprofilefolder.LearntoworkwithdifferentprofilesonFirefox.DedicatedprofilesperFirefox...·RefreshFirefox-reseta...

FavBackup 2.1.3 - 瀏覽器該備份囉!

FavBackup 2.1.3 - 瀏覽器該備份囉!









